জোহরা বেগম
বয়স : ৯০
প্রাপ্তী স্থান : জুরাইন, (ফুটপাত)
শারীরিক অবস্থা : শ্বাসকষ্ট, হার্টের সমস্যাসহ বিভিন্ন শারীরিক সমস্যায়গ ভুগছেন।
In the shadow of an unspeakable tragedy, meet Johura
Begum, whose story unfolds as the saddest among us
all. Amidst a family dispute over ancestral land, she
witnessed the unimaginable - her own family turning
against her. In a horrifying act of brutality, her
husband was butchered, and her nine children were
cruelly taken from her in different ways.
Unique Journey: Johura's journey is marked by the depths of human cruelty and the profound loss of family. The heart wrenching events shattered her spirit, leaving her mentally unstable. Unable to bear the weight of the trauma, she found herself living on the unforgiving streets, a poignant symbol of the profound impact of family betrayal. We took her in and are giving the care she deserves.